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By the end of the day, ransom software has been rife with many devices, hospitals and businesses around the world
Ransomware has been able to shut down many computers and devices around the world, especially the old continent. According to repo...
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Facebook will soon start displaying TV content on its platform
Facebook has recently taken a number of steps to compete with YouTube as a video platform, and has made some successes by continually deve...
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Microsoft issues warnings on new security risks
Microsoft warned of a new series of attacks that try to hijack the system to update a popular software program to spread malicious softwar...
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Hours before the election campaign presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron is exposed to piracy
The recent US elections between Hillary Clinton and Trump culminated in the victory of the latter after a wave of false news and the leaks...
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Microsoft Launches Cortana Application for Samsung Phones on Google Play
Microsoft has launched Cortana artificial intelligence system, a smart help for Windows 10 user on the Android platform in a new plan to s...
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