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Samsung Galaxy A 2018 series phones come curved aspects flexible screen

To get a phone with curved edges on both sides means that the high-type with high specifications Ksamsong Galaxy Q 7, but to be a medium or Mnkhvzh specifications and the same screen is very good fun.

The Galaxy A series phones among the best chains that achieve significant profits for the giant Korean phone maker Samsung, after its intention to upgrade Glasa A series phones in 2016 for the last version of Android, here's today's news reveals a new project to promote the proceeds of this type of phones.

Spread numerous reports on a range of major websites, stating directed a group of major companies to modify their production lines to work on screens flexible OLED, Currently, the cost of these screens are still a bit high, but the modified production manufacturers have lines to work more on this type instead of the rest of the conventional types It will contribute to increasing the quantity of production while reducing costs and thus become flexible OLED screens with a wide spread in the smartphone market, especially after the determination of both Apple and Samsung included in a telephone Galaxy Q 8 and 8, who Satrhan iPhone on the market next year.

According to reliable sources, the company immediately after the success of the project, will be attached to a flexible and related parties "curved" from both sides Galaxy series A medium-sized phones specifications OLED screens, and is expected to be the Galaxy series 2018 A first series will get this screen. By the same token, he headed a group of Chinese phones earlier also to work on the medium specification phones to include this type of screens that met with great success these days.

It is worth mentioning that the search company Ubi confirmed that by 2021 the proportion will use OLED screens "flexible" 71 percent of the total phones that use OLED screens.
