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Google Chrome supports virtual reality technology WebVR

Competition is tough between the technology giants to create a future technology that will rely mainly on artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies and enhanced features, it seems that Google has taken a step towards mainstreaming of this technology easy and accessible and make the arena more and more.

Google has launched the latest version of Google Chrome, which comes Petknlogia the WebVR a technology empowers developers to create Internet sites containing the worlds of virtual reality ... Well, you can imagine the possibilities limitless upcoming new things in the days ahead for the world of the Web, just needed some programmers creators with innovative ideas.

Technology facilitates primarily on developers create a single experience virtual reality also works across a number of virtual reality helmets and not create two copies of each individual monitor, which is similar to how one Web site is running on your computer and on your phone and on e of the plate.

It is worth noting that Google has developed WebVR with multiple partners such as Mozilla and Facebook, as this move is just the beginning, as the Myrusovi its part, is also working to support WebVR the browser, Edge and her glasses HoloLens but the support is not homogeneous with some helmets manufacturers of virtual reality, such as Vive company HTC and Gear VR Samsung, while Google Chrome is currently only support virtual reality helmet from Google Daydream.
