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Samsung re-illustrate the fact samsung galaxy note 7 of the markets again

She noted a number of press reports over the weekend that the South Korean company Samsung plans to re-marketing of intelligent Htatvha Galaxy Note 7 again in the markets of developing countries, despite combustion problems and the explosion suffered in the previous period, after the success of the company in determining the nature of the problem, treatment, and on the battery.

The number of Asian media, led by the South Korean site "Hankyung" indicated that Samsung will re-marketing the Galaxy Note phones 7-interest, which have been replacing old batteries with new batteries, safe, and these phones are of the company's stores and 2.5$ million devices are still with the company, She also noted that Samsung does not think in the marketing of these devices in the US or European markets, but also in developing markets in Asia, such as India and Vietnam

However, "Samsung India" branch of the Indian company Samsung assured means of Indian local media reports which indicate that Samsung will re-marketing the Galaxy Note phones 7 in Indian markets is not true, and that there was no trend of South Korean company has to do this step.
