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Again .. Yahoo reveal their exposure to piracy again

It is clear that the site "Yahoo" with piracy problems never end, the problems that caused the now faltering acquisition negotiations with the "Verizon" American telecommunications company that did not take place after the company's decision to reduce the value of the acquisition of Yahoo, but we have a new piracy news came to her.

There is no doubt that the issue of piracy this is that contributed to the delay in the acquisition, and the news has been circulating in the past few weeks talking about the decision of Verizon reduced the price of the acquisition of Yahoo Following these scandals, which make sure tangibly afterwards as news sources indicated that the price of the acquisition of Yahoo's online activities decreased from 4.83$ billion to 4.48$ billion, with a total of 350$ million.

But the bad news did not stop solutions on Yahoo, where the company announced its displays nearly 32 million user accounts of piracy in the period between 2015 and 2016, the third act of piracy disclosed by Yahoo in the last six months as announced in the previous piracy operation first targeted 500 million account then an act of piracy was the second largest and targeted the billion users.

The scandal prompted the new Director Altnfveh for Yahoo, "Marissa Mayer" to announce the abandonment of reward for a year in 2016 and distributed to employees, also it announced the abandonment of rewards programmed for 2017 in addition to the distribution of their dividends in the company's operation.
