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Microsoft fixes a serious security vulnerability at the Office level

Microsoft has announced that it has corrected a serious security vulnerability on the level of its office suite "Microsoft Office" on the sidelines of the package updates monthly security "Patch Tuesday," where experts pointed out that this vulnerability is actually exploited by the hackers.

A group of experts from the security company "McAfee" earlier this month has revealed a serious vulnerability at the level of the office suite of Microsoft Office, a gap that has been exploited for some time ago through a campaign aimed at spamming the publication of malicious and dangerous software called "Dridex."

According to McAfee experts who began their research on this vulnerability at the beginning of the current year, this vulnerability in the Office package relies on the exploitation of the OLE object "Object Linking and Embedding" by a malicious Word file, and once it loads from the user begins to establish a connection with suspicious servers without To be aware of anti-virus in the computer to that, where the download of HTA files that contain a code to install malicious software and serious Dridex.
