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Japan invents smart Mirror protect you from aging and hair loss

When you look at the women's all you see is a reflection of where you see your picture and your face as it is in full without any shortage or add, but there is a Japanese company decided to change that and is a company called Panasonic.

This company has invented a clever Mirror able to interact with the user and image analysis and therefore you preview the face and scalp and analyze the areas that will get damaged but also provide you with advice and to address them.

Smart woman revealed by Panasonic Corporation is a mirror of highly sophisticated and have been providing a range of data and information and allow them to predict the wrinkles in any polka dots on the face and even the also identify defects in the face and scalp areas and providing Mentaddh options for user to reform and to address those flaws.

And women in the words of Panasonic Corporation have been produced specifically for beauty centers, where the company will work on the export of this woman, interested in beautifying the face and take care of hair centers, and until the present time it has not yet been exported centers specialized in beauty as it is still under development, with this wise woman you can imagine what could become the world after 20 years from now as it is, and no doubt the world will know the other more sophisticated inventions will make it easier for human everything.
