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Technical glitch Cloudflare Company presents data of millions of websites leak

When it comes to major services for the protection of sites Cloudflare the company a key player in the sector, the last, which oversees the SSL data encryption services for the millions of sites of individuals and international companies.

The company recently announced being carried corrects a technical error was allowed leaking customer data and thus operating sites users of the company's data services.

Flaw was discovered as part of the security initiative for Google Project Zero by security researcher Travis Oormanda during this month, the defect causes the sensitive data of the sites operating the service store, something that can have access to the user login and password information in addition to cookies and other sensitive data.

The company assured its customers that it had not monitored any harmful uses of data or malfunction, while there is an additional problem which archive search engines temporarily for some of these data, as the company says it is working hand in hand with the search engines concerned in order to delete this data.
